
Variables and Identifiers


- Identifiers are user defined.

- The name of the variables, functions, labels and various other user- defined objects are called identifiers.


- An identifier can be a combination of alphabets, digits and underscore provided that first character is not a digit.

- A space  cannot be included in identifier name

- As we know C is a case sensitive identifier name like var and VAR are different and also var, VAR, vAr, vaR are also different.

- A identifier name cannot be a keyword or a function
char double;  /*double is a keyword*/
int const;       /*const is a keyword*/
int return;    /*return is a keyword*/

- Some invalid identifier names are
9abc              /*cannot start with digit*/
flower vase       /*space is included which is not valid*/
1uv*u             /* special symbols are not allowed*/
India-Hyderabad   /*hyphen not allowed*/


- Mathematically variable is a value which can be altered.

- Here in C language, a variable name is a name given to a memory location to which a constant value can be assigned and can be altered.

<data_type> <variable list>;
<data_type> <variable1 >,<variable2>,<variable3>;

- Angled brackets are used for demonstration purpose only and should not be used in your c program.

- In C language you can declare many variables of same data type at a time by separating them with comma operator.

Note: Never forget to end the statement with semicolon else the compiler will generate an error.

- Thus the below statement
indicates that a value 25 is placed in memory and that memory location is named as ‘a’.
Note: The name of memory location cannot be changed but the value in it can be changed during execution. 

after  few or next statement

- Here first we are storing 25 in a and again after few statements, we are storing a=25+6  i.e. 31 is stored in a which is completely possible in C programming language.


As variable is one of the identifier, rules to declare a variable are same as of identifier mentioned in earlier section.

- A variable name can be a combination of alphabets, digits and underscore provided that first character is not a digit.

- A space cannot be included in variable name

- As we know C is a case sensitive variable name like var and VAR are different and also var, VAR, vAr, vaR are also different.

- In C programming language a variable name cannot be a keyword or a function
char double;  /*double is a keyword*/
int const;       /*const is a keyword*/
int return;    /*return is a keyword*/

- Some invalid variable names are
9abc;                                     /*cannot start with digit*/
flower vase;                       /*space is included which is not valid*/
1uv*u;                  /* special symbols are not allowed*/
India-Hyderabad              /*hyphen not allowed*/


- In below mentioned example we are saying to compiler that a variable with name a exists and its type is int. Thus at same time we are defining and declaring the variable a.

- Allocating memory to a variable (ex: ‘a’) but not assigning any value to that particular location such type of statements are the examples.

Ex: int a; valid
We can also declare many variables at a time like
int a,var1,sum,b;


extern int x;  /* declaring x but not defining it */
int main()
 int a; /* declaring and defining at same time.*/


- Allocating memory and at the same time storing a value to that location is called initialization.

      int a=5; /* We can also declare and initialization at same time
int a=4,sum=45,c=30;/*Many variables can be initialized at once*/
int 5=a;  /*  Not valid; constant cannot be assigned a value*/


/*A program to declare a variable and print the value in it */ 

int main()
 int a;  /*variable declaration*/
 printf("\nThe value in a is %d",a);

 return 0;

The value in a is <garbage_value>
(output is a garbage value, i.e. you might get some random value)

- In above program a memory of 4 or 2 bytes(complier dependent) is allocated and named it as ‘a’ and look at the program we are not storing any value in a.So the output of program is a garbage value.


- A garbage value is a value which is stored in memory by previously executed program which could be anything. So thus the result is unidentified.


/*A program to declare a variable and store a value ‘6’ in it and print the value*/

int main()
 int a; /*variable declaration*/
 a=6; /*storing constant 6 in a*/
 printf("/n The value in a is %d", a);

 return 0;


The value in a is 6
- Here we are declaring a variable ‘a’ and storing ‘6’ in it and printing it in a new line.


/*A program to declare a variable a and store a value ‘6’at same time*/ 

int main()
 int a=6;   /* Variable initialization*/
 printf("\n The value of a is %d",a);

 return 0;


The value of a is 6


- We can even make the variable value unchangeable throughout the program by using keyword const. Const stands for constant.

- Const can be used locally and globally.

const <datatype> <variable>=<value>;

- Angled brackets are used for demonstration purpose only and should not be used in your c program.

- Here initializing a variable at the time of declaration is very important.

const int a=25;//value of a is 25 and it can’t be changed
a=100;/*trying to change value of a from 25 to 100 but it is not possible; it gives an error during compilation*/

Program: (This program yields error)

int main()
 const int a=25; /* valid*/
 a=36;   /* error */

 return 0;


error: assignment of read-only variable ‘a’
*Yields error because we are assigning 36 to a constant variable a*/

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