

The C programming Language

  •    C is a structured, high level, machine independent language.
  •    It allows developers to develop a C code without worrying about the platform they are in, at the time of code development, because C code is portable. 
  •    Many believe that C is the basic programming language one should be thorough to start his programming career. I will give you reasons why one should go for C before Java, C++ or C#.
  •     One should know the basic concepts before entering the higher level of course, the same way C programming language is the basic foundation for all languages, when one is good at it, he/she can get through the higher level languages like Java, C3 etc. very easily. Though it takes time at the end you will know that your hard work is paid-off. 
  •     Major parts of operating systems like Windows, UNIX and Linux are still written in C. Because when it comes to performance nothing beats C. Even Device drivers are written in C.
History of C and other important dates are discussed in next page.

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