

    As C is a programming language, practicing the programs while learning is a very good habit, which turns out into efficient learning. Thus before entering into course let’s take a quick guide on famous editors and compilers available to create, edit and decode C program.

  • A compiler is a program that reads a program written in one language (called the source language) and translates it into an equivalent program in machine level language
  • The compiler also reports to its user the presence of errors in the source program so that user can re-edit the source program and compile it once again.

  • Some examples of C compilers are GCC, Clang, Intel C. Famous and most widely used Compiler is GCC . And we also have Turbo C, Borland C IDE’s with inbuilt compiler.
       Okay !!! Now as we came to know about editor and compiler, let’s go further into the topic. There are software’s called IDE available in market.
But what is an IDE?
For more compiler’s check out this article from , and from

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